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Nanoscaled Reference Materials
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Category: Nanoobjects / nanoparticles / nanomaterials


Description Certified value (nm) RM name RM type RM no.
Absolute contamination standards polystyrene latex spheres on Si
Wafer, sphere diameter, concentration; 40 nm - ...; used to calibrate instruments which size and detect particles on the surface of bare silicon wafers
40 Absolute Contamination Standard RM 42
Size standard particles
Available for particle diameter and particle number indication of liquid particle counters which is used for a washing process control of semiconductor and precision electronic device, clean control of chemical reagent and Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP test)
168 CLINTEX 017-10K RM 61
Polystyrene particle size standard sphere diameter 948 GBW 12009 RM  65
Polystyrene particle size standard sphere diameter 352 GBW 12010 RM 66
Polystyrene particle size standard sphere diameter 61 GBW 12011 RM 67
Silicon dioxide particle size standard sphere diameter 951 GBW 12013 RM 68
Silicon dioxide particle size standard sphere diameter 458 GBW 12014 RM 69
Silicon dioxide particle size standard sphere diameter 296 GBW 12015 RM 70
Silicon dioxide particle size standard sphere diameter 143 GBW 12016 RM 71
Gold nanoparticles sphere diameter 10 RM8011, RM8012, RM8013 CRM 46
Silica contamination standards silica spheres on Si wafer
Used to calibrate instruments which size and detect particles on the surface of bare silicon wafers
100 Silica Contamination Standard RM 43
Polystyrene spheres sphere diameter 60 SRM 1964 CRM 44
SRM1691 polystyrene spheres sphere diameter 300 SRM1691 CRM 45
Polystyrene spheres sphere diameter 100 SRM1963a CRM 47
Size standard particles
> 25 products, mean diameter: 29 nm - 814 nm sphere diameter
29 STADEX SC-0030-A, SC-0050D RM 59
Size standard particles
> 25 products, mean diameter: 29 nm - 814 nm sphere diameter
70 STADEX SC-0070-A, SC-0075D RM 60
nanomag®-D particles 50/100 nm
Covalent binding of proteins by cyanogen bromide activation (CNBr-Method)
50 TN 09001 RM 49
nanomag®-D –spio particles 50/100 nm
Covalent binding of proteins by carbodiimide activation
50 TN 790201 RM 50
Collodial Silica in water
sphere diameter
19  ERM-FD100  CRM 82
Nano-Alumina Specific Surface Area
Standard Reference Materials
445,4 m²/g GBW 13901 CRM 106
Nano-Alumina Specific Surface Area
Standard Reference Materials
359,4 m²/g GBW 13906 RM 107
Nano-Alumina Specific Surface Area
Standard Reference Materials
515,3 nm GBW 13907 RM 108
Monomodal collodial
silica in water
sphere diameter
Equivalent diameter
by DLS and CLS
33-42 nm ERM-FD304 CRM
Monomodal collodial
silica in water
sphere diameter
Equivalent diameter
82-90 nm ERM-FD101b CRM
Bimodal collodial
silica in water
sphere diameter
Equivalent diameters
18-85 nm ERM-FD102 CRM





Dr. rer. nat.
Georg Reiners
Unter den Eichen 44-46
12203 Berlin
+49 30 8104-1600